Friday, January 19, 2007

Smoke ‘Em If Ya Got ‘Em

Today in Texas they (whoever “they” may be) are celebrating Confederate Heroes Day. This “holiday” celebrates Robert E. Lee’s birthday which is today (1807). Being a student of American history and a big fan of the Civil War, I have no problem honoring those Americans who were willing to give all to a cause that they felt was just (even if I disagree with it). They are celebrating a similar day in Arkansas; however, it is a bit disturbing to me. Confederate Memorial Day in the great state of Arkansas is a state holiday commemorating General Lee’s birthday while combining it with celebrations for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. It kind of seems disrespectful to the memory of Dr. King, but that is just my little opinion.

On a happy note, I would like to extend my deepest wishes of joy to my friend and coworker, Mr. Minor and his wife, as they welcomed the newest edition of their family into the world yesterday. At a whopping 21 inches long, colleges may need to start getting their scholarship offers ready sooner rather than later. Congratulations!

It’s A Boy

They actually did it. With one game left before the All-Star break, the Nashville Predators have taken the top spot in the National Hockey League standings. If they can be victorious this Saturday at home against the Chicago Blackhawks, they will head into the break with the most points and most victories of any team in the league. Maybe hockey fans outside of Nashville will start giving them some respect. But I doubt it.

NHL Standings
(Click To View)

Well, it is finally here. On Sunday evening the much talked about AFC Championship game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts will be contested. In previous posts I have mentioned this very heated rivalry. I have talked smack here and recanted here. This week I am not going to tempt fate or karma or God Herself (obscure Kevin Smith reference) and will be happy to just enjoy the fact that my boys have done me proud and made another run towards a ring. I pledge to not gloat if we win or cry (too much) if we lose but I am sure that if we do win the Peyton Manning apologists will be spitting all over themselves about something.

One last item on the docket today concerns The Great Non-Smoking Experiment that has chugged along into day number 18! I am very proud of myself for not cheating and (making an attempt at) beating my addiction to nicotine (also, a shout to those who are running alongside the no smoking bandwagon – mom, pops and Kim D.). The problem will be tomorrow night. As you may or may not know my agreement/contract with The School Girl allows me to smoke when I drink in social situations. The crew is getting together tomorrow night and I will be allowed to smoke but should I do it? Should I leave well enough alone? I haven’t decided yet but pictures will be taken so you will have to be the judge. Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em.


Blogger Donisms said...

Well Well Well.... Im so happy we won and I wanted the Colts to win so it has been a graet day in football... However I am really sry that ur team didnt win. Oh congrats on no smoking

9:26 PM  
Blogger LeBlanc said...

I am glad for your Bears (I actually rooted for them) but I am. of course, a tad bit disappointed.

8:08 AM  

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