Monday, January 08, 2007

Not Quite The Library of Congress

Happy Coming-Of-Age-Day to all the Japanese people who turn 20 years old this school year. Also, today would have been the 72nd birthday of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley and his still-born twin brother, Jesse (really, no crap, look it up!).

I would like to thank one of my readers, Lynnster, who pointed out an error in my last post. March 15th is not Saint Patrick’s Day as I originally thought. Actually it is much more ominous since it is the Ides of March, the day that Julius Caesar was warned to beware. He was murdered that day (Et tu Brute?). It is also Lynnster’s birthday that day, so in case I forget, have a great birthday (in two months from now!). For the record, Saint Patrick’s Day is on March 17th.

During New Year’s weekend, The School Girl and I drove down to W’boro to visit with her family and spend a few more days with her brother, El Capitan, who will be heading back to his military duties out west. It would be the last time we get to see him before he heads back to Iraq in the spring (for the 3rd time!).

We had a few items that needed returning from Christmas since we received a few duplicate/improper sized gifts. The closest mall, unfortunately, is in Florence, Alabama, a major hot-bed of commerce. The easiest way to get to Florence from W’boro is back roads and small highways. It takes about 2 hours and is a nice trip through the Deliverance Country areas of southern Tennessee.

El Capitan, his wife, her daughter, The School Girl and I all loaded into my father-in-law’s Chrysler and proceeded to cruise down the road to Bama. Approximately halfway between Collinwood, TN and Zip City, AL (it is really called Zip City), we decided it was time for a bathroom/drink/snack break. Off to our left was tiny gas station/convenience store. It was located specifically and exactly, dead center in the middle of…nowhere. (I can get you the coordinates if you wish, later).

El Capitan & The School Girl at the gas station

Since I was in the waning days of my (awesomely sweet) smoking habit, I decided to jump out and puff a quick cigarette. At that moment I noticed a small sign that was dangling above the Coca-Cola machine which had a likeness of racing legend Dale Earnhardt plastered across the front of it.

Library sign

This major hub of education/petrol/beef jerky was the local library! El Capitan’s wife was interested in seeing how many copies of Birth of a Nation were available. I would bet that they have none; however, I wouldn’t be surprised to find a wide array of Field and Stream and Soldier of Fortune magazines. You just gotta love Tennessee sometimes.


Blogger Lynnster said...

Thanks for the early birthday wishes! Yeah, I'm not sure what it means that murder and my birthday go together, but it's probably somewhat fitting. Have a good one!

5:00 PM  

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