Thursday, January 11, 2007

Die Hippie, Die

Apparently, the equally hot and creepy mom from The Munsters, Yvonne De Carlo, died last night at the age of 84. Condolences to the family. Best news of the day, back in 1787, astronomer/composer (that isn’t your normal combination, is it?) Sir Frederick William Herschel discovered the moons Titania and Oberon of the planet Uranus (or the Klingons around Uranus?).

Yvonne De Carlo

Yesterday I had to leave work early to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences for Little Harry. For those of you who do not know, he attends a posh private school in Brentwood. This is the place where some famous and not-so-famous rich people send their children. I am not sure how anyone affords this luxury but that is neither here nor there.

Currey Ingram Sign

Currey Ingram

Currey Ingram

Currey Ingram

Currey Ingram

Currey Ingram

On my way to the school I decided to call and verify my appointment. Much to my chagrin, Little Harry’s mom CANCELED the appointment. “Why?” you ask. It was canceled because she had recently met with the teachers and felt it to be an unnecessary meeting. (Words cannot express…) Thanks to the great teachers over at the school, they were able to fit me back into the scheduled meeting times.

The one teacher that stood out to me was Mr. Bart Allen. Mr. Allen was the Language Arts teacher and I bet he longs to be a hippie. He was the epitome of what you would expect to see as the rebel English Lit teacher in high school (at least in TV and movies). You know the one I’m talking about. The one who has longer than normal hair and hasn’t shaved in a week or two and has wrinkly unkempt clothing. He speaks in metaphors and is extremely animated. This was Mr. Allen.

Mr. Bart Allen

I can see him being the rogue teacher that gets tossed from his position in the school for inciting the students to buck authority, sort of like the substitute on the early 90s TV show My So-Called Life. The scary thing about it all was that he claimed to “get” my son and could relate to him, but what frightened me more was that I understood everything he said. He also mentioned that Little Harry should be in charge as far as class activities (and life) are concerned because he prefers to be in charge. I always knew that he would be the ring leader one day. Hopefully he will get conjugal visits whenever he gets busted. (Just kidding, or am I?)


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