Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Day 2: Electric Boogaloo

Today in 1920, the Boston Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Evil Empire (New York Yankees) continuing what would be an 86 year World Series drought and began what was known as the Curse of the Bambino. In a related note, the oldest known Red Sox fan, a Middleborough, MA man of 112 years who also attended the first game at Fenway Park died this week. Creepy (almost). Born today, in 1892, famed Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, wrestling announcer Jim (Good Ol’ JR) Ross (1954) and television’s Wonder Years star Danica McKellar (1975) who starred as Winnie Cooper.

So I am approximately 44 hours into the Great Non-Smoking Experiment and I feel fine. Honestly, I feel superb. I haven’t craved a smoke all day. My biggest problem is what to do during my free time. What I mean is, during breaks and lunch what do I do to pass the time? What should I do during my drive to and from work? These questions are the most important ones right now (to me, anyways!).

Maybe, just like Kojak, I could take up eating lollipops. That is all fine and dandy but there are flaws with that. First of all, it costs money to buy all of these pops and part of the reason I am quitting with cigarettes is that it costs me money. I know that it isn’t that much money but every little bit helps. Right? Second, I am very picky about my lollipops (as with everything else in life). I also, like a good variety of styles. There are those pops that are swirled with a cream-favor and look like mini-donuts…I don’t care for those. Also, maybe one minute I want one with bubble gum in it and the next I want one with a Tootsie Roll in it. You may scoff but these are the things that make me tick. Finally, if I go with the lollipop thing I have opened myself up to a wider range of mooch. When you smoke, the occasional smoker who is cheap/poor/lazy/forgetful (whichever) will bum a smoke from you. Every once in awhile this is okay but after a few times of doing this people (even if they say otherwise) tend to look down upon this. When you eat many lollipops you not only open yourself to the smokers but the non-smokers alike. Just about everyone loves candy and I can see myself handing out pops left and right.


What I did today to keep my break time busy was to read. I have hundreds of books and magazines to occupy my time and I can sit at my desk and relax. I guess this will be okay until I get sick and tired of staying at my desk…all…day…long. This is great but what about in the car you say? In the immortal words of my former co-worker, Gato-Thesaurus Tom (don’t ask), “I’m glad you asked me that.”

La Hermana got me a book on CD for Christmas. I tried it out yesterday since I was not carpooling. It isn’t so bad. I think I can get used to it and learn to pay attention to the road and the story simultaneously (yesterday I got the story part down pat but veered off the road once or twice). I have found that I can listen after I drop of the wife at work and prior to picking her up. If this system works out I may just have to get some more books on CD. If this doesn’t pan out as I plan, I guess I will just have to amend my contract to allow me to smoke in the car and while I am at work. That seems fair doesn’t it?


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